Vision needs Action

2018 Vision.jpg

Put the #2020Hangover to Work.

We learned so much about what truly matters last year. In 2021, I hope you get an opportunity to focus on what truly matters to you and what brings you joy. #cheersto2021 #goalgetter #actionplan

[Context] Let's talk about holiday sales for a second. Everyone has those emails that arrive in their inbox during the holiday season - "Best Holiday Sale"/ "Help Us Clear Inventory", etc. You open the email thinking you're only going to look for one thing, and before you know it, you have a shopping cart full of 7 or 8 items that you never could have imagined you needed. Then you may get distracted by the open tin of chocolates calling your name, accidentally close the tab, and never buy anything (like me) or end up buying all of it. Sort of like going to Target (for my USA friends) or Primark or TK Maxx (for my UK friends) - you walk into the store for one thing and somehow you've just purchased three additional items without intention (I ALWAYS needed that giraffe statue!). However, that short-term glee can (depending on your budget) end up in some longer-term guilt or #purchasehangover when you realize you didn't really need it to begin with.

Same thing happens with vision boards - for most. You get these amazing goals and ideas and you feel so excited about what you're hoping to accomplish. You throw all of the goals on a vision board and it looks AMAZING (your friends said so too!). You start off with one great goal, and then all of a sudden you have seven, and they're all on your vision board.

So let me ask you - Where's your vision board from last year? How have you progressed?

Mine was in the TV cabinet. Collecting dust (same one as the image header). It should have been titled "my Vision for my 3 years in the UK", versus my vision for 2018. But I've learned from this experience! It's January 2021, and I've just "completed" the goals that I had set for myself. However, I think this was due by in large to the fact that my overall life goals didn't change in the last three years, versus taking action on the vision board itself.

Vision boards can cause problems (or add pressure) and in some cases prevent you from actually reaching your goals when they aren't actionable or realistic. We've all had the case where we bite off more than we can chew - in this case attempting to tackle all of your goals at once. Vision Boards have been a hot topic since Oprah had them on her show (updated in 2019). So they're not a new idea and I've had renditions of them - consisting of one image or a few since I started my career with ADP.

The controversy in regards to their efficacy surrounds on - "Do they do more damage than good?" In my opinion, vision boards are amazing when they focus on visual, realistic ACTION. This year, I encourage you to create an action board and here are my tips for making it successful:

  1. Over the last year, have you had a chance to focus on what truly sparks joy in the moment? If not, take THIS moment and go back to basics - what would meet or exceed your genuine needs for 2021? Think in reference to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - Are your physiological needs met? Are your safety needs met? Are your love and belonging needs met? Are your esteem needs met? Are your self-actualization needs met?

  2. Based on these areas and starting from the bottom - Pick one to three goals TOTAL that you feel are attainable in 2021 if you stay focused and give it your honest try. These goals should come from the "school of SMART" ie: they should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Your timing is the year of 2021. They should also focus on addressing the bottom of the pyramid first.The rest is up to you!

  3. Take those goals and write them down and begin searching through magazines and other media for images and words that are in line with your goals, and that spark joy and motivation to achieve that goal.

  4. Get that glue stick and scissors and create your Action Board for 2021.

The work doesn't stop here. At the end of January, review what small action steps you took to achieve the goal(s) on your action board. Reassess at the end of every month, or if needed, more frequently! With determination and focus, and realism - I'm confident you can accomplish what you set out to do!

Thoughts? Share your perspective on vision boards and action boards OR better yet - share your action board here in the comments. Cheers to an amazing 2021!


LatinX in London